How to Earn high Rewards (Worth): Understanding the Reward mechanism - 1

in #understandingwortheum2 years ago (edited)

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I joined Wortheum on 28 September 2022 and before that I knew only a few things although I thought about reading its white paper and tried, I missed many important points because of just lack of interest.

Initially, I made a few bucks and that was good until I claimed my first reward earning. For me, it was a bit both surprising and bitter. My reward claim was divided into curator and authors and further into WBD and Worth power. Even though I’m working for wortheum, I didn’t have that deep knowledge about wortheum. This led me to have a more attentive and closer look into the whitepaper of wortheum.

I found some interesting gems, which helped me have a nicer and most productive platform use. Here’s the golden mechanism of curation rewards.

Assume that you have $100 on your post. Upon rewards claim you’ll get 75% only and the rest 25% will be distributed towards the curator. Your 75% claim will be made into fully WORTH POWER or 50% WBD and 50% WP. This falls under Author Rewards. The rest 25% of the rewards will goes to curators but the interesting thing is that the 25% of curation rewards will be not equally divided between curators. Instead, it will be divided on the basis of your voting power and when you have voted.

The mechanism that works behind it is that after posts have been posted and are live on wortheum, you have time slabs and with that amount of curation rewards.

If an article or news has been posted, and you like it within 3 minutes 100% of the curation reward is awarded to the author.

From three minutes to 15 minutes, 90% of curation rewards go to the author and 10% to the curators.

From 15 minutes to 27 minutes, the curation is divided into fractions of 50% (50% to the author and 50% to the curator.

From 27 minutes to 30 minutes, 10% of the curation reward is given to the author and 90% is given to the curator.

Well… another question arises - what happens after 30 minutes, does the curator gets any share or does their wallet remains the same?

After that, it just works on basis of come first – get more, come last – get less. Until 2 hours before pay-out, if the upvotes are given under 2 hours before pay-out, the curator gets nothing and the author gets 100%.

Well… This may seem simple after all but here comes another thing associated with curation rewards – The WORTH POWER (WP) and VOTING POWER (VP) of the curator.

If the curator has more WP, more will be rewarded (If done accordingly as explained above) but the interesting this is that your VP also decide how much you can earn. While WP remains the same, the VP does not remain constant.

For every vote you cast, you are charged with 2% of the voting power. This means if you vote for 10 posts, you’ll be charged 20% of VP. Your VP is recharged by 1% every hour which means you can vote a post by using 100% of voting power every 2 hours. Remember that dropping in the VP directly affects your rewards and you get fewer rewards. Voting on a post every 2 hours is recommended for a 100% reward.

While the first factor has been explained in detail, the second factor – WP & VP has been only summarised here, I will be explaining it in detail in the next post which will help you in understanding the wortheum blockchain and making the most out of it.

Stay tuned with me by following. I will be covering various topics related to Wortheum Blockchain and addressing various issues of users which will help you understand this platform. If you consider this article helpful or interesting, please republish it.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop them in the comment section. I’ll try to address it as soon as it is possible.

About the Author

Greetings! I'm Saquib Salam and have been working as Journalist for the last three years. My journey in this field has been mainly Into Blockchain & technology, International Politics and Human Rights. I have been on Wortheum since September 2022 and exploring it in various ways. Stay Tuned with me by following to know more about this platform. To know more about me, please head to my introduction post. Connect with me on social sites:

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