How Wortheum Ad Network will benefit readers on the Wortheum news platform?

in #wortheumadnetwork2 years ago (edited)

Copy of Business Proposal  Oddball Imaging Studio.png

Wortheum Ad Network has completed the Development and testing phase and now anytime it may come live on the Wortheum News Platform. It is basically built on Web3.0 Wortheum Blockchain to serve ads solely on the Wortheum News platform. This idea aims to offer the advertisers to post their ads. Wortheum is next-generation journalism and users on this platform are of diverse categories. This offers advertisers to present their ads to a diverse number of users with different interests and backgrounds but most important question is – How it will benefit the readers?

Well… it will benefit the users in many ways. A few of them are as follows:

1. Advertisers will need to buy WORTH from the market to post their ad on Wortheum Ad Network –

If an advertiser is interested in posting their ad on Wortheum Ad Network, He/she must have to buy WORTH coins from the market to pay for the advertisement. Payment for advertisement is only accepted in WORTH coins so there is nowhere to go. The need for WORTH coins for payment will increase the flow of funds in the market thus it will increase the value of the individual WORTH coin.

2. Burning of WORTH coins collected from Advertisers -

By the proposal of the founders and CTO, Wortheum has planned to burn 100% of WORTH coins collected from the advertisers for their advertisement. The Burning of the WORTH coin will decrease the number of WORTH coins in circulation but their value will be divided back into the WORTH coins remaining in circulation. That means the number of coins in circulation will decrease but their value will increase. In this way, users will get benefits.

For example, 10,000 WORTH coins are in circulation (valued at 1000 INR) if someone spent 2000 WORTH coins (valued at 200 INR) on an advertisement.

Total WORTH coins in circulation before ad spent = 10,000 WORTH - 0.10 INR per WORTH (value 1,000 INR)

Spent on ads by advertiser = 2,000 WORTH - 0.10 INR per WORTH (value 200 INR)

WORTH coins transferred to the null wallet and burned 100% I.e., 2,000 WORTH valued at 200 INR - 0.10 INR/WORTH

The number of the WORTH coins remained in circulation = 8,000 - 0.10 INR per WORTH coin (value 800 INR)

Now the value of burned WORTH coin i.e., 200 INR will be divided back to the WORTH coins in circulation. Which will increase the price of WORTH coins.

Value of WORTH coins before circulation 0.10 INR/WORTH (8000 WORTH x 0.10 INR = 800)

Value of burned WORTH coin + Value of WORTH coins in circulation = increment of value of WORTH coins
2,000 x 0.10 INR (200) + 8,000 x 0.10 INR (800) = 0.125 INR per WORTH.

0.125 INR – 0.10 INR = 0.025 INR (the value of each WORTH coin increased by 0.025 INR).

Before burning, the value of 10,000 WORTH coins was 1000 INR but after burning the value of 8000 WORTH coins was 1000 which means the Number of coins in circulation decreased thus increasing the value of each WORTH coin remaining in circulation.


Good calculation, but once u mistook, check 800×0.10=800 written there.
Rest we ll be on!

Thank you for bringing the error in notice. The mistake has been corrected and resolved.

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