Wortheum news -Wortheum Is The Leading Reward Offering Platform Built On DPoS Blockchain

in #wortheum2 years ago

Wortheum news platform offers people a career option by joining wortheum as a reporter according to their geographical location and earn by creating news content.

Businesses can give us advertisement on this platform which will be presented in very effective manner.

Wortheum news paltform offer readers reward for reading and intracting with news articles on their smartphones, Laptops and pc at any place.

We offer small news websites to build their own website through our blockchain which will help them to provide better services and content.

Where Content Will Be Created By The Geographically A Random User.

Each New Tour Will Be Available For Creating & Curating The News Articles.

In the traditional era, the strength of news network and multimedia distribution flies in the content that their millions of users create and publish on a daily basis.

Wortheum is all about creating the real and fair news experience by bringing transparency and innovation to the news industry. Where success relies on merit and creators solely can focus on creating.