Bulgarian Father and Son Undertake Arctic Ocean Rowing Expedition to Raise Awareness for Endangered Species

Stefan Ivanov, a 52-year-old banker from Bulgaria, and his 21-year-old son Maxim have made headlines by successfully rowing across the Arctic Ocean, a journey that lasted 33 days and concluded on September 8, 2024. This remarkable expedition not only celebrates their birthdays in August but also aims to raise awareness about the protection of endangered marine species

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The father-son duo began their adventure on August 1, starting from Haugesund, Norway. Their goal was not just to complete the crossing but to set a record as the first rowing team to traverse the entire Arctic Ocean. They faced numerous challenges during their journey, including harsh weather conditions characterized by heavy winds and turbulent waves. The experience was described by Stefan as akin to being "in a washing machine for weeks," highlighting the physical and mental endurance required for such an endeavor

Maxim joined his father after completing an internship in New York, marking a significant moment in their shared passion for ocean rowing. The boat they used for this expedition, named Neverest—a clever play on words suggesting "never rest until you reach Everest"—was built in 2019 specifically for their oceanic pursuits. This journey follows their previous achievement in 2020 when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean together, making Maxim the youngest person to do so at just 16 years old

Throughout their Arctic expedition, Stefan and Maxim aimed to promote marine conservation efforts. They are advocating for new protected areas in the Southern Ocean through a petition that seeks to safeguard vital marine biodiversity. Their efforts align with broader environmental initiatives, emphasizing the importance of preserving our oceans for future generations

In addition to their advocacy work, the Ivanovs collected plankton samples during their journey, contributing valuable data to research on climate change and its impacts on marine ecosystems. These samples will be analyzed by researchers at St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, continuing ongoing studies initiated in Antarctica

Upon completing their journey, Stefan expressed a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. He noted that despite the physical toll of the expedition, they felt fulfilled by their achievements and the awareness they hoped to raise. The duo celebrated their successful crossing with plans to indulge in pizza upon reaching Longyearbyen, Norway

Their inspiring story highlights not only the spirit of adventure but also a commitment to environmental stewardship. As they reflect on their journey, both father and son hope that their efforts will encourage others to consider the importance of protecting our oceans and the diverse life forms that inhabit them