Cancer in stomach are:

in #punjab2 years ago

​What is gastric cancer?
Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer, is due to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells on the inner lining of the stomach. Cancer manifests depending on the type of cancer and the cell type or the organ affected. Apart from the main stomach area, stomach cancer can also affect the area where the esophagus meets the stomach.

Stomach cancer rarely produces warning signs in the initial stages or the signs can be vague or ill-defined. Gastric cancer has been linked with one skin eruption, especially on the face. It can usually occur in the early stages of the disease.

​Symptom on skin
Gastric cancer can lead to a rare skin disorder called Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji (PEO). Its typical manifestations are diffuse flushing papules (small raised bumps on the skin), infiltrations, swelling and desquamation (skin peeling) in almost all the body, especially in the face, according to a report published in the Chinese Journal of Cancer research.

Along with your skin, it may also impact the mucus, the skin appendages and the lymph nodes. The skin condition is also accompanied by itching.

​Other early signs to look for
Apart from the skin condition, first signs of gastric cancer include poor appetite, sudden weight loss, abdominal pain and discomfort or swelling in the abdomen. Other signs of the disease include heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, which could be with or without blood. You may also feel full too soon after eating only a small amount of food. Low hemoglobin can also be a sign of stomach cancer.

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​How cancer develops
Stomach cancer develops slowly over the years. It begins with pre-cancerous changes in the inner lining of the stomach, before the cancer develops. These early changes rarely cause symptoms and can often go undetected. What’s more, stomach cancers can lead to different symptoms and outcomes, depending on which section of the stomach they started in.

​How does cancer spread in the body?
There are three broad ways in which cancer can spread in your body. First, if it spreads through tissue, then the cancer will spread from where it began by growing further into surrounding areas. Second, the cancer could spread from where it began by getting into your lymph system. Once it gets there, it can travel to other parts of your body through the lymph vessels. Third, if cancer spreads through blood, it can travel from where it began to other parts of the body through your blood vessels.

​Types of stomach cancer
Most cancers of the stomach are adenocarcinomas, which develop from the gland cells in the innermost lining of the stomach. There are 2 main types of stomach adenocarcinomas. One is the intestinal type which has a slightly better prognosis. In this case the cancer cells are more likely to have certain gene changes that might allow for treatment with targeted drug therapy. Another one is the diffuse type which tends to grow and spread more quickly. Fortunately, it is less common but it is harder to treat than intestinal type.

​Risk factors of gastric cancer
The majority of people diagnosed with the condition tend to be over 60 years of age. One of the major risk factors of stomach cancer is your diet. A diet high in salty, smoked and pickled foods and a diet low in fruits and vegetables can increase your risk of developing stomach cancer.

Risk factors for the condition also include a history of persistent stomach irritation or inflammation, previous stomach surgery, or a family history of the disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, obesity and smoking can also increase one’s chances of gastric cancer.

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​Can you feel a tumor in your stomach?
If your cancer is at an advanced stage, your doctor may be able to feel a mass in your stomach during a physical examination. If you feel something is wrong, it is best to consult your doctor first for a proper test, and not jump to conclusions. Mostly, people recognize stomach cancer symptoms by sensations such as the stomach may frequently feel swollen or painful.

​Other organs affected by stomach cancer
Many cancer deaths are caused when the cancer moves from the original tumor and spreads to other tissues and organs of the body. In Stage III, stomach cancer also can spread to nearby organs – such as the spleen, colon, liver, diaphragm, pancreas, abdomen wall, adrenal gland, kidney, small intestine, or to the back of the abdomen.

​How to prevent stomach cancer
Eating a diet full of colorful fruits and green vegetables may reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Also include plenty of whole grain foods, such as whole grain bread, cereals, pasta and rice. Researchers have also found that limiting the amount of alcohol and avoiding tomato products may also help in prevention of cancer. Avoiding pickled foods, salted meats and fish can also help to protect your stomach. Some studies show that increasing plant-based foods reduces the risk of fatal stomach cancer in men, but not women.

Physical exercise has also been linked to a reduced risk of several cancers. It is important to maintain healthy weight if you are overweight or obese.

Quitting smoking will also prevent stomach cancer risk, and do not start smoking if you don’t smoke currently

​Can you treat stomach cancer?
Usually the best approach to treat stomach cancer is by following two or more treatment procedures. The treatment method selected depends on several factors such as your age, overall health, location of the cancer and the extent of spread of the cancer. Available treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

​What is the upper endoscopy test?
Your doctor may recommend an upper endoscopy test for diagnosis of the disease. Upper endoscopy, also called endoscopic gastroduodenoscopy (EGD), helps find most stomach cancers. During this test, a doctor will look inside your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (first part of the small intestine) with a thin, lighted tube called an endoscope to check for abnormal areas. You are sedated during this test.

​Here's what you should know
Cancer is always seen as a silent killer. It rarely shows visible symptoms until it has advanced to a later stage. However, there are certain indications which, though mild, can be a big hint towards cancer.

Stomach cancer and its link with facial symptoms have been proved by researchers. What matters most is how soon you spot the symptoms so that the progress of the disease is checked before it wreaks havoc on the human body.

Regular medical checkups and being cautious about every single abnormality seen in the body are the key to a healthy life.

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