5 morning foods to ease constipation in winter season

in #mumbai2 years ago

Dates to amla, eat these 5 amazing foods on empty stomach to get rid of constipation in winter season.is important to modify our diet in winter and include more fibre, herbs and spices, good fat and seasonal fruits and vegetables in it to avoid gut health related issues.(Pinterest)Constipation in winter is common even in those whose bowel movements are smooth otherwise. Constipation or 'kabj' happens when a person has less than three bowel movements a week, has hard stools or difficulty in passing stools. So, what makes constipation more common in winters as compared to summer? It could be due to change in our daily habits. In winters as the temperature is cold, we tend to have less water because we do not feel thirsty. We also tend to skin exercise as morning time is usually colder and sip on more tea and coffee than usual to warm our bodies. Our consumption of raw foods like salads also tend to go down as we prefer warmer foods. In all, consuming less water, exercising less, drinking loads of tea and coffee and not eating enough high-fibre foods can make us susceptible to constipation. (Also read: Constipation diet plan: What you need to eat from morning to night for constipation relief)Thus, it is important to modify our diet in winter and include more fibre, herbs and spices, good fat and seasonal fruits and vegetables in it to avoid gut health related issues.

"Constipation is mainly caused due to imbalance (aggravation) of Vata dosha (specifically apana vayu). There can be so many reasons for that including not eating mindfully, excessive intake of dry, cold, spicy, fried and fast food, not drinking enough water, less fibre in food, poor metabolism, disturbed sleep pattern, eating late dinner, sedentary lifestyle," says Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar in her recent Instagram post.

Dr Bhavsar says just consuming laxatives is not a permanent solution to constipation, and one needs to include certain foods in the diet that can help fight it.


  1. DATESThey are sweet and cold in nature. They also help balance Vata and Pitta making them best choice for people suffering from constipation, hyperacidity, joint pain, anxiety, hair fall and low energy.

Have 2-3 soaked dates with warm water on an empty stomach in morning.

    1 tsp methi seeds (fenugreek seeds) can be soaked overnight and had first thing in the morning. You can also powder the seeds and have 1 tsp methi powder with warm water at bedtime. Best for people with excess Vata and Kapha. People with high pitta (heat issues) should avoid it.

    Cow ghee improves your metabolism. It helps you maintain healthy fat in the body which is needed for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like Vit A, D, E and K. 1 tsp cow ghee with a glass of warm cow milk works best for people with chronic constipation.constipation_thubm_1669007947915_1669007956228_1669007956228.jpg