Sun going through a mid-life crisis. We now know when it will die Astronomers have charted the evolutionary course of our Sun and have identified its end date.

in #mumbai2 years ago

The Sun is bursting with solar flares and coronal mass ejections
The Gaia spacecraft has revealed the past and future of our glowing star
As the hydrogen runs out in its core, it will swell into a red giant star
The Sun, which is bursting with solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and solar storms, is going through its middle age, estimated at 4.57 billion years. The Gaia spacecraft, which has been credited with making the most accurate map of the universe, has revealed the past and future of the glowing star in the center of our Solar System.

The latest information is pouring from the new data released the Gaia spacecraft in June this year. The latest dataset contained information about the intrinsic properties of hundreds of millions of stars, which include how hot they are, how big they are, and what masses they contain.

Using this data, astronomers identified stars of similar mass and composition as our Sun and saw how our star is going to evolve in the future.Middle-age underway
The European Space Agency said that with an age of around 4.57 billion years, the Sun is currently in its comfortable middle age, fusing hydrogen into helium and generally being rather stable. As the new solar cycle peaks, the Sun last week exploded with 17 coronal mass ejections and nine sunspots.

However, in the future, as the hydrogen runs out in its core, and changes begin in the fusion process, it will swell into a red giant star, lowering its surface temperature in the process.