"Victim of Ayodhya Gang Rape Meets Akhilesh, Claims Pressure is Being Applied to Withdraw FIR" .

in #meetyesterday

Ayodhya 18 September: (Desk)On Wednesday, a minor who was a victim of gang rape in Ayodhya met with Akhilesh Yadav, the leader of the Samajwadi Party (SP), to discuss her traumatic experience and seek assistance. The meeting took place at the SP office in Lucknow, where the victim was accompanied by her family members.


The young girl recounted the harrowing details of the incident that occurred between August 16 and 25, during which she alleged that she was assaulted by multiple perpetrators. She expressed her concerns about ongoing threats from the accused, who have reportedly pressured her to withdraw her police complaint. This pressure has compounded her trauma and raised serious questions about the safety and support provided to victims of such crimes.

During the meeting, she highlighted the inadequacies in police response to her case, claiming that she faced significant obstacles when trying to file her report. Akhilesh Yadav listened attentively and assured her of his support. He emphasized the need for stringent action against not only the accused but also against negligent police officers who failed to protect her rights and dignity.

Yadav has been vocal about the increasing incidents of violence against women in Uttar Pradesh, criticizing the systemic failures that allow such crimes to persist. He called for accountability among law enforcement officials, advocating for reforms that would ensure victims receive timely justice without facing intimidation or harassment.

The meeting has garnered significant media attention, reflecting broader societal concerns regarding women's safety in India. Akhilesh Yadav's involvement is seen as a political move to highlight these issues ahead of upcoming elections, but it also underscores the urgent need for effective measures to combat gender-based violence and support victims adequately.

The victim's courage in coming forward and seeking help is commendable, as it sheds light on the challenges many women face when confronting such traumatic experiences. Her story serves as a reminder of the critical need for societal change and improved legal protections for victims of sexual violence.