Loki Writer Reacts to Fan Complaints About MCU Time Travel Inconsistency

in #marvel2 years ago

Ms. Marvel brought plenty of new concepts into the MCU from heroic fandom to even mutants, but it also touched on a familiar one: time travel. Avengers: Endgame was the first MCU project to dive into time travel and established the rule that adventuring into history doesn't change the past, but instead creates a new timeline - this concept was further reinforced in Loki.

During Kamala's fight with the Clandestines, her bangle ended up sending her back in time to the Partition in which she crossed paths with her grandmother as a child and reunited her with her father just in time to catch a train. Many were quick at the time to share their belief that this contradicts the MCU's existing time travel rules as Kamala directly affected the existing timeline.

Now, a writer who was involved with both Loki and Ms. Marvel has offered their thoughts on whether the MCU's rules of time travel have already been broken.