Cop26 Prez Names Heat Wave – A Real Wake-up Call

in #madhyapradesh2 years ago

![iobtdalo_uk-airport_625x300_19_July_22 (1).jpg](
Cop26 president Alok Sharma calls the heat wave an alert.
Parts of the U.K. are literally melting because of extreme heat.
High temperatures caused melting of runways and train signals.
Cop26 president Alok Sharma said the recent extreme heat had been “a real wake-up call for everyone in this country” about the impact of climate change.

The Cabinet Office minister said climate change had to be dealt with and that the hot weather seen across the UK in recent days was what “many millions of people across the world are experiencing on a regular basis”.

He was speaking during a session of Cop26 questions in the House of Commons, which also saw Labour criticise former chancellor-turned-Tory Party leadership candidate Rishi Sunak’s position on tackling climate change.