Report: The Never Ending Suffering of Palestinians by the Hands of Israeli Occupation Government - Saquib Salam


This report sheds light on the Palestinians' ongoing sufferings, Human Rights Violations, Violence, Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, and Injustice by the Israeli Government, Courts, and Military. The report has been prepared with references from various news channels and on the preliminary reports by various Human rights organisations and groups including Amnesty International where i work.

Dated: September 3, 2023


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the most protracted and volatile conflicts in modern history, continues to exact a heavy toll on the Palestinian people. As the world looks on, Palestinians endure a grim reality marked by human rights violations, violence, apartheid-like policies, systemic ethnic cleansing, and injustice at the hands of the Israeli government, courts, and military.

Persistent Human Rights Violations

The situation on the ground remains dire, with numerous reports from international organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch documenting serious human rights violations. These include:

Displacement and Home Demolitions: Palestinians face the constant threat of home demolitions, a practice often executed without warning, leaving families homeless and communities shattered.

Restrictions on Movement: A complex web of checkpoints, barriers, and the imposing separation barrier wall severely curtails Palestinian freedom of movement. This has profound implications for access to education, healthcare, and employment.

Settlement Expansion: The Israeli government continues to expand settlements in the West Bank, which the international community widely considers illegal under international law. These settlements exacerbate tensions and sabotage any prospects of a two-state solution.

Violence and Killings: Palestinian civilians, including children, often find themselves caught in the crossfire. Both Israeli security forces and Palestinian militants have been implicated in incidents resulting in civilian casualties.

Detention and Torture: Palestinian detainees, including minors, face harsh conditions and allegations of torture during their detention by Israeli authorities. The lack of proper legal representation further compounds the injustice.

Apartheid-Like Policies

Increasingly, experts and organizations have likened Israeli policies towards Palestinians to apartheid. These policies segregate and discriminate against Palestinians in many aspects of life, from land ownership and access to resources to education and healthcare. Such systemic discrimination raises serious concerns about equality and justice in the region.

Ethnic Cleansing Concerns

The construction and expansion of Israeli settlements often involve the forced eviction of Palestinian residents, leading to systemic ethnic cleansing. This practice violates international law and further deepens the humanitarian crisis in the region.

Israeli Courts and Military Actions

Israeli courts have been criticized for their treatment of Palestinians, particularly in cases related to land disputes and the rights of Palestinian residents. Critics argue that these courts often favor Israeli settlers and institutions over Palestinian interests, contributing to the cycle of injustice.

The Israeli military's actions in the Palestinian territories have also come under scrutiny. Some argue that these actions have disproportionately targeted civilians and have been used as a means of exerting control over the Palestinian population.

International Response and the Path Forward

The international community has long debated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but a definitive solution remains elusive. Calls for a two-state solution persist, with international actors urging both parties to return to the negotiating table.

However, the gravity of the situation calls for a more assertive international response. Human rights organizations and advocates are urging nations to reevaluate their relationships with Israel, considering sanctions or other measures to address these violations.

As the world watches the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people, there is an urgent need for concerted international efforts to put an end to human rights violations, violence, apartheid-like policies, ethnic cleansing, and injustice. The path to a just and lasting resolution is fraught with challenges, but the global community must work tirelessly to ensure a brighter future for both Palestinians and Israelis.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop them in the comment section. I’ll try to address it as soon as it is possible.

About the Author

Greetings! I'm Saquib Salam and have been working as a Journalist for the last three years. My journey in this field has been mainly Into Blockchain & technology, International Politics and Human Rights. I have been on Wortheum since September 2022 and exploring it in various ways. Stay Tuned with me by following me on this platform.

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