After all, why the only teacher is guilty?, see read, think and think once

in #india2 years ago

_650x_2018111315504737.jpgUP:Tell the people who raise their fingers on the teachers when they are 10 minutes late, when you go to the office of which officer you do not have to wait for hours for his arrival? After going to which office you do not get to hear that sir is not there today? After waiting for weeks, when you get the information about the arrival of the sahib, you reach the office on time and wait for the sahib to come till 12 o'clock, when the sahib gets down from the car, bow down and fold his hands in his honor. Pledge your honour.
Then the sir takes the seat and you wait for your turn, when your turn comes, with folded hands, you say your plea with trembling hands saying that sir, please show some mercy. After hearing the half-incomplete complaint, the sir orders you to leave and while returning you bow down and bow three times with folded hands, in the hope that the sir will accept your salute once. But the sahib does not give any answer and his orderly pushes you and says that now come out.

After showing so much humility and after getting so much respect, you go home happily that today sir you have met and talked to him.

These same people come to school and become lions and show their might in front of the teacher who feeds them bread by grinding wheat to make their children's future better. Teaches writing by holding hands. When tears come out of fear, sitting your child on the lap, wipes the tears. He also scolds your child when he is seen gambling in the street and you are not ashamed at all while threatening such a teacher.

When you scolded your child, you come to the school to ask, 'Master, why did you scold my child?' Even if you keep scolding a policeman often without any reason. Even after eating sticks without any mistake, you start apologizing to them, but you also want answers on the dot given by the master to maintain discipline.

You forget that when you come to school to defend your child's cry, then at the same time the fear of discipline rules from your child's mind and he becomes even more undisciplined. The fear of punishment goes out of his mind and he becomes even more defiant. He starts thinking that his father will take his side if he makes a mistake, so there is no need to be afraid of Guruji. Then he will not do any school work. Do you want your child's education or his freedom?

If the fear of law ends, then everyone will start violating the law, in the same way, if the fear of discipline ends, the child will become free. The educational system of the school will be in jeopardy." It is our misfortune that the parents of many children studying in Basic are completely unaware of the importance of discipline and take every punishment as negative.

Whereas Goswami Tulsidas has written Bhai Bin Hoy Na Preeti. Without fear, discipline is not possible and without discipline teacher-student relations are not imagined.

It would be meaningless.

You take your family only, don't you punish the child for his mistake? The effect of explaining is only up to a limit, that too does not affect everyone. Punishment does not always mean harassment, not always in school. Punishment in school is meant to establish discipline. Here punishment should not be construed as beating.

The teacher is always happy when one of his disciples surpasses him and for this purpose he also teaches that each of his disciples is successful. That's why you should not investigate the work of the teacher, nor doubt it.

The honesty with which teachers work is transparent compared to other departments. Whenever he goes to school, he tells the whole society by ringing the bell that "we have come to school", and even when there is a school holiday, he rings the bell and tells the whole society that now it is a holiday. are." If this happens in any other department then tell me? Still, why are teachers and education department defamed under a conspiracy by looking at them with suspicion?The teacher who teaches everyone and those who have progressed after studying from the "officer, leader" teacher, some of them have accepted their bravery in doing evil to the teacher, there is a loss to both the education and the society from the disgraced teacher.

After all, why is a campaign being launched to defame the teacher by adopting tactics? Such employees / officers are also being sent to investigate, who have no direct connection with education, nor their level is better than the level of teacher in any way. This is an act of provocation and provocation to the generally calm and peaceful teachers by open insult and unforgivable mischief and handiwork of the teachers.The honesty and nationality of the teachers are reflected by the fact that they say "Bharat Mata ki Jai" in the morning and evening and equip their students with all round development with love of the nation and moral education, how their methodology can be called questionable. Are ? Barring exceptions, teachers do their work with utmost sincerity.They do not have problems with education, the problem is only with departmental and non-departmental orders, which celebrate new days in school, rallies, surveys, cumbersome and useless courses, training during the "current school" period, teachers raised from the ground. Ignoring the voice, impractical decrees from air-conditioned rooms offices are guilty of bringing the level of education to the abyss.
The department itself has made the department a laboratory, who is to blame for this? If the teachers are allowed to stay in the schools and teach, then the children, cooked with education and knowledge, can be offered to the all-round developed civil society useful to the society. It is the expectation of the teachers that "the society and the department should teach only and only with respect, this voice should be raised from the society and the community, but the lack of awareness disappoints."The day this happens, the miracle of quality education can be seen. Teachers are skilled, and for those who are not skilled, the government's selection process and corruption are to blame. Keeping education and teachers beyond politics is essential for the country and society.