Swachh Bharat Mission Celebrates 10th Anniversary with 'Swachhata Hi Seva' Campaign

Maharajganj 07 September (desk):-Maharajganj: The 10th anniversary of the Swachh Bharat Mission will be marked by the launch of the 'Swachhata Hi Seva' (Cleanliness is Service) campaign from September 14th to October 1st. This campaign, focused on cleanliness and sanitation, aims to involve citizens in the process of cleaning up identified problem areas, known as "black spots," within their communities. The initiative will run for two weeks and is designed to foster community participation in maintaining cleanliness.


During the campaign, collective efforts will be directed towards cleaning these black spots through community labor. The district administration will organize various activities under the leadership of the District Magistrate, including citizen engagement programs to identify and clean up challenging areas. The campaign will also highlight the contributions of sanitation workers and the importance of their roles in maintaining a clean environment.

The campaign will focus on three main areas: citizen participation in cleanliness, comprehensive sanitation, and the safety of sanitation workers. Activities will include awareness programs, cleanliness pledges, competitions, walkathons, marathons, and tree planting events. Additionally, special programs like 'One Plant in Mother's Name' and beautification projects will be conducted to enhance the overall cleanliness and aesthetic of the areas involved.

The Swachhata Hi Seva campaign is part of the broader Swachh Bharat Mission, which has been instrumental in improving sanitation across the country. By encouraging community involvement and celebrating the efforts of sanitation workers, this campaign aims to continue advancing the mission's goals and promote a culture of cleanliness and public health.