Farmer Dies from Snake Bite in Ayodhya: Accident Occurs While Guarding Fields Two Months Before Son's Wedding

in #farmer5 days ago

Ayodhya 14 September: (Desk)In the village of Sahulara, a tragic incident occurred involving a 58-year-old farmer named Ram Lakhan, who succumbed to a snakebite while tending to his rice fields. The incident unfolded when Ram Lakhan was diligently guarding his crops, a common task for farmers in the region, when a snake bit him.


The severity of the bite led to his immediate transfer to the Community Health Center (CHC) in Milkipur, but due to the critical nature of his condition, he was later referred to the district hospital for further treatment.

Despite the efforts to save him, Ram Lakhan's life could not be preserved, highlighting the ongoing crisis of snakebites in rural India. Snakebites are a significant public health issue in the country, with India being recognized as the "snakebite capital of the world." It is estimated that snakebites claim the lives of approximately 50,000 people annually in India, a staggering figure that underscores the urgent need for effective intervention and awareness.

The majority of snakebite victims are farmers, like Ram Lakhan, who often work in fields where encounters with snakes are more likely. The rainy season, particularly from June to September, sees a spike in snakebite incidents, as increased agricultural activity brings humans into closer contact with snakes that are more active during this time.

Many rural communities still rely on traditional healing practices rather than seeking immediate medical attention, which can delay life-saving treatment. In Ram Lakhan's case, it is unclear whether he received timely medical care, but the referral process from the CHC to the district hospital often involves delays that can be fatal.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified snakebites as a neglected tropical disease, calling for more attention and resources to combat this preventable cause of death. Efforts to improve healthcare access, provide antivenom, and educate communities about snakebite prevention are critical in reducing mortality rates.

This incident serves as a grim reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by rural farmers in India and the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address the snakebite crisis. Enhanced awareness, timely medical intervention, and community education could potentially save countless lives in the future.