Elon Musk’s career advice for young people: 'Don’t try to be a leader...

in #elonmusk2 years ago (edited)

Before Elon Musk was surrounded by luxury yachts in Greece and massive lawsuits filed by Twitter for backing away from the $44 billion deal, the tech billionaire had in December last year shared some career advice for young people.

In an episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast, Musk recommended that young people should never choose a career depending on if it could make them famous. "Rather, focus on something much simpler," Musk said. "Find a job that you’d be good at, and matches the skillset you’ve built over time."

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO also had some advice about leadership. ″(Don’t) try to be a leader for the sake of being a leader,” he said. “A lot of times... the people you want as leaders are the people who don’t want to be leaders.

Elon Musk also said that young people should focus on the job in front of them and trust that overperforming in that role would help them climb up the career ladder. "A desire to be in the spotlight won’t necessarily help... Try to find something where there’s an overlap of your talents and what you’re interested in,” he added