Tesla has entered into a collaboration with Tata Electronics to procure semiconductor components.

in #economy5 months ago


Tesla, anticipated to unveil its ambitious initiatives for India this month, has already forged a strategic sourcing alliance with Tata Electronics for semiconductors.

The report additionally suggests that the agreement was orchestrated discreetly, implying that Tesla's intentions extend beyond mere electric vehicle production in India. The company aims to establish a robust supply chain infrastructure. Just last week, Elon Musk confirmed his forthcoming visit to India, including a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This anticipated meeting is likely to witness Musk unveiling Tesla's official strategies for India, along with exploring the potential introduction of Starlink broadband services in the nation. Industry analysts have long anticipated Tesla's entry into the Indian market, which, although may not yield significant volumes immediately, would signify its dedication to the world's third-largest market.