New Symptoms of COVID-19: The Virus Can Affect Your Finger And Toe Nail, Warning Signs To Watch Out For


Experts have revealed that several patients during COVID infection and post-recovery have shown symptoms of the infection in the nails.

out for these signs.

Over the last two and a half years, researchers have revealed several telltale signs that show up when one catches the deadly COVID-19 virus. With the sudden spike in the daily cases in the last few weeks, experts have cautioned about the fourth wave of coronavirus in India. With every new wave of this virus, comes new variants, which bring in new symptoms, a sign that nobody knew previously. In a recent study, experts have revealed the effects of COVID on the nails.

How Covid Affects Finger And Toe Nails

COVID virus is primarily known for its effect on the lungs, and the damage it does to the air sacs and other respiratory organs. However, a recent study has highlighted COVID nails and fingers. A study says that up to 20% of patients with Covid have cutaneous manifestations. Experts have revealed that several patients during COVID infection and post-recovery have shown symptoms of the infection in the nails.

At least 61 studies have confirmed chilblain like lesions on nails following
COVID-19 infection
. Some studies have also found white horizontal nail striae and sunken nails clinically defined as leukonychia and Beau lines in Covid patients. Apart from these, here are some of the new COVID-19 symptoms that your nail might show up during and post-infection.

COVID Nails: Symptoms To Out For

Apart from fever, and other cold and flu symptoms,