Dera Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Sent Back to Rohtak Jail After 21-Day Furlough

in #culture11 days ago

Baghpat 05 September (desk):-Baghpat – Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was returned to Rohtak's Sunaria Jail on Wednesday under heavy police security, following the completion of his 21-day furlough. The self-styled godman, who is serving a life sentence for rape and murder, had been staying at the Dera Sacha Sauda ashram in Barnawa since August 13.


This marked the seventh time Gurmeet Ram Rahim was granted furlough since his incarceration. During his 21-day stay, he spent time with his adopted daughter Honeypreet and other family members at the Barnawa ashram. He has previously been released on furlough for varying durations, including 30, 40, and 50 days, for different occasions.

On Wednesday, a large contingent of police was deployed at the ashram to escort the Dera chief back to jail. At around 3:05 PM, a convoy of four luxury white cars, guarded by police, left the ashram and headed towards Rohtak. Haryana police, along with local law enforcement officers from Binauli, ensured tight security for his transfer.

Gurmeet Ram Rahim is serving life imprisonment in Rohtak's Sunaria Jail for his involvement in the rape of two of his female followers and the murder of a journalist. His furloughs have often sparked controversy, with critics questioning the repeated releases of a convict serving a serious sentence.