The wife became the executioner in the love of the lover, while sleeping in the deep sleep, the husband was burnt alive

in #crime2 years ago


Agra/Mathura. In the country and in the world, many examples are given about love. People make every effort to get their love story and love. At the same time, in Mathura of Agra division, a woman committed a horrific incident, due to which the souls of the people trembled. In Meena Nagar, Mathura, a married woman burnt her husband alive by pouring petrol while sleeping. Whoever heard this news was shocked. No one believed that a woman could kill her husband in this manner crossing the limits of cruelty.
In Meenanagar area adjacent to Mathura, a woman burnt her alive by pouring petrol on her sleeping husband. The woman has done this incident due to a love affair. The woman's husband was a hindrance in her love affair. After the fire broke out, the husband was admitted to the hospital where he died. A case has been registered against the woman.
The matter is of Mauja Meena Nagar of village Barhana. Chaman, who lived in the village, used to work in the Delhi Development Authority. He is survived by his wife Rekha, two daughters and a son. For some time he lived with his family in a rented house in Delhi. During this, Chaman's wife Rekha had a relationship with a young man. When Chaman came to know about this, he opposed Rekha's love affair. When the matter started increasing a bit, Chaman sent everyone back to the village. After a few days, Chaman also started coming to the village and used to go and come to Delhi from here every day.
The woman's love affair did not stop here and she continued to talk to the lover on the phone. She used to insist on going to Delhi, due to which there used to be frequent quarrels between the two in the house. It is being told that when Chaman was sleeping in a deep sleep on Monday morning, Rekh poured petrol on her husband and set her on fire. Chaman's son told that the father came out of the room screaming, but he fell in a short time. The neighbors somehow reached there and extinguished the fire, but the chaman was burnt to 80 percent. He was sent to Delhi for treatment where he died this morning. The children have narrated the entire incident. A case has been registered against the woman on the complaint of the brother of the deceased.
Chaman's children are horrified by this horrific incident. Son Mayank told that the mother often used to talk on the phone. Mummy had become friends with an uncle living in Delhi, which father used to oppose. The police have taken the woman into custody and she is being questioned. Along with this, the identity of the woman's lover is also being ascertained.