Children’s Day: Child rights activist, painter and poet; kids with never-say-die approach!

in #celebration2 years ago


Ansh Batra, 15, is an autistic child, who has made and sold nearly 500 paintings so far. In last five years, he has graduated from water colours and moved on to abstract art. He is also exploring new textures in his paintings. Ansh, who started training at an art school in Noida when he was just 10 years, now paints most of his work in acrylic colours and is foraying into fine art too.

He had entered a Noida-based art school, as his mother in order to manage his tendency to be hyperactive, decided to try an alternative to the regular therapies recommended for autistic children. Considering his limitations in speaking and communication, Ansh often channeled his energy by doing intense physical activity. Practicing art for 2-3 hours helped him in soothing his nerves and eventually emerged as an activity he could even think of taking up professionally.