A couple sentenced to 9 years in prison for taking money under the pretext of marriage and then selling it; case from June 3, 2017.

in #case6 days ago

Ayodhya 13 September: (Desk)In a significant ruling, the Additional Sessions Judge Ashok Kumar Dubey of Faizabad has sentenced Mast Ram and his wife, Lakshmi Devi, to nine years in prison for their involvement in a case of involuntary manslaughter that occurred in 2017. The court also imposed a fine of ₹3,000 on each of them.


The case revolves around an incident that took place several years ago, where the actions of Mast Ram and Lakshmi Devi led to the unintentional death of another individual. The specifics of the incident highlight the complexities surrounding manslaughter cases, particularly those classified as involuntary, where the accused did not have the intent to kill but their actions resulted in a fatal outcome.

During the trial, the prosecution presented evidence
and testimonies that established the couple's culpability in the tragic event. The defense argued for leniency, emphasizing their lack of intent and the circumstances surrounding the incident. However, the judge ultimately determined that the evidence warranted a significant penalty to reflect the seriousness of the crime.

This ruling underscores the judicial system's stance on accountability in cases of manslaughter, aiming to deter similar incidents in the future. The sentence serves as a reminder of the legal consequences that can arise from actions that, while not intended to cause harm, result in severe outcomes.