Maharajganj Farmers to Receive Advanced Training in Millet Production and Seasonal Vegetable Cultivation

Maharajganj 04 September (desk):-Maharajganj is set to benefit from a significant agricultural initiative aimed at enhancing the production and utilization of millets and seasonal vegetables. A group of 60 farmers from the district will be sent to Pantnagar for specialized training as part of the Millet Revival Program. This initiative is designed to boost the cultivation of nutritious millets and improve farming techniques for seasonal vegetables, aligning with the district's agricultural focus.


The training program, organized by the Agriculture Department, will take place at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Agricultural and Technology University in Pantnagar. The selected farmers will spend five days learning advanced farming practices and techniques from agricultural experts. This training is expected to equip them with the knowledge to increase productivity and profitability in their farming activities.

The Agriculture Department, under the leadership of Deputy Director Veerendra Kumar, is facilitating this initiative to promote advanced and scientific farming methods. The program aims to support the farmers in adopting new techniques that can lead to better yields and more sustainable agricultural practices. Upon returning from the training, the farmers are expected to share their newly acquired knowledge with others in their communities.

The district administration will cover the expenses for travel, accommodation, and meals for the participating farmers. This investment in agricultural education reflects the district's commitment to enhancing local farming practices and improving the livelihoods of its farmers. By embracing advanced techniques and knowledge, Maharajganj aims to strengthen its position as an agricultural hub.