Nations backing terrorism as part of their foreign policy must be punished: PM Modi

in #terrorism2 years ago

IMG_20221118_155854.jpgprime minister daid that what is seen as a reference to China and Pakistan aiding terrorists targeting India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday said certain countries are supporting terrorism as part of their foreign policy while some others make indirect arguments to support it and block action against terrorists.Modi minced no words when he said cost should be imposed upon countries that support terrorism, as proxy wars are "dangerous and violent" while insisting that international organisations must not think that the absence of war meant peace.

Emphasising that uprooting terrorism needs a larger proactive response and global cooperation, he said countries must pursue terrorists, break their support networks and hit their finances.

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Addressing the third 'No Money for Terror Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism Financing' hosted by the Ministry of Home Affairs here, he warned against organisations and individuals attempting to "create sympathy" for terrorists and that they must also be isolated.

"There can be no ifs and buts entertained insuch matters. The world needs to unite against all kinds of overt and covert backing of terror," Modi said at the conference which Pakistan and Afghanistan have skipped.

He said terrorist organisations get money through several sources and one such source was state support. "Certain countries support terrorism as part of their foreign policy. They offer political, ideological and financial support to them," the Prime Minister said.

He also referred to "certain mistaken notions about terrorism in some circles" while emphasising that the "intensity of the reaction to different attacks cannot vary based on where it happens".

"All terrorist attacks deserve equal outrage and action. Further, sometimes, there are indirect arguments made in support of terrorism to block action against terrorists. There is no place for an ambiguous approach while dealing with a global threat," he said.LTE

"Fighting a terrorist and fighting terrorism are two different things. A terrorist may be neutralised with weapons. Immediate tactical responses to terrorists may be an operational matter. But tactical gains will soon be lost without a larger strategy aimed at hurting their finances," he said.

He pointed at organised crime as one of the main sources of terror funding, saying these gangs have deep links with terrorist outfits and money made in gun-running, drugs and smuggling is pumped into terrorism.

He said action against organised crime is extremely important in the fight against terror, as these groups help with logistics and communication too. At times, he said even activities like money laundering and financial crimes have been known to help terror funding.

Touching upon the changing dynamics of terrorism, Modi warned that rapidly advancing technology is both a challenge and a solution, as it is boing cod for torror financing and
as it is being used for terror financing and recruitment.

"Challenges from the dark net, private currencies and more are emerging. There is a need for a uniform understanding of new finance technologies. It is also important to involve the private sector in these efforts. From a uniform understanding, a unified system of checks, balances and regulations can emerge. But we must be careful about one thing. The answer is not to demonise technology. Instead, it is to use technology to track, trace and tackle terrorism," he said.