Aligarh: The whole village cried over the death of the bull, the funeral of the bull was done according to Hindu customs, now the preparations for the Bhandare

in #up2 years ago (edited)

images (41).jpegUP:In Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh, a very strange and surprising case has come to the fore regarding the death of a stray bull roaming on the streets. Doctor Maina Saand was living in village Govind Pur Fagoi of Thana Lodha area for the last several years. Due to which all the small and big villagers started loving the vagabond roaming inside the village very much and the bull also loved all the villagers very much.The stray bull roaming in the village used to go wherever he wished. When the children of the village and all the people called the stray bull affectionately as Maina, the bull also used to follow them. But Maina Saand died suddenly. After the death of the bull, there was a wave of mourning among the villagers. After the death of the stray bull, the villagers offered a sheet with material to the stray bull with Hindu customs, while the stray bull was buried by digging a pit in the ground with a JCB machine.After the death of Maina bull, the villagers collected donations and now preparations are being made to organize a Bhandara inside the entire village.

According to the information, Maina bull was living in the village among the villagers for the last several years in village Govind Pur Fagoi of Thana Lodha area of ​​Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. Wherever the children and elders used to go there, whoever affectionately called me by saying, the bull used to go after him. The villagers used to love this bull very much, on Sunday, suddenly the bull died, due to which the villagers expressed great grief.
The last rites were performed according to Hindu rituals and on the death of the bull, the villagers offered several sheets on the bull along with Hindu customs and other material, a foot deep pit was dug in the ground with the JCB machine and the bull in the pit dug by the JCB machine in the ground. was buried. On the death of Dr. Maina Mai, the villagers have also collected donations according to Hindu rituals. After the death of the bull, a Bhandara will be organized in the entire village with the villagers collecting donations.
Whereas after the bull became ill, he did not get any relief at all. Due to which the health of Dr. Maine Maine bull had deteriorated a lot five days ago. During this, the villagers guessed that somewhere they had drank poisonous water from the paddy field. Due to which he had come to a state of dread. After the sudden deteriorating health of the bull, many times the villagers called and informed it on the control room.On the information of the bull being ill, 112 PRV police had reached. But no other team had reached to see the sick bull. The bull died due to non-availability of treatment during the illness.