Social Media Users Horrified After Man Posts Picture Of Deep Sea Fish

in #latest2 years ago

Capture.JPGA fisherman is creating a lot of buzz on the social media platform on Instagram after posting a picture of a fish he caught, titling it “Frankenstein's Fish”. The account named rfedortsov_official_account has nearly 650,000 followers on Instagram and routinely posts interesting fish he manages to catch while on the job.

This picture that went viral last week showcases a translucent white fish, with sunken green eyes, a tail that is jagged and fins that look like torn wings. There are even strange markings on the fish which make it look like its body has been sewn shut.

Several social media users reacted in horror while some were able to identify the fish as well. User jmcg21 wrote, “My Marine Bio son said it looks like a Ratfish from the depths of possibly skinned. They are cartilaginous - not scaled (similar to sharks)”. Fish such as these live deep in the ocean and are found at depths between 650 and 8,530 feet, according to the UK organization Shark Trust. These don't usually have a lot of colour and are adapted to withstand a lot of pressure due to their very deep habitat.


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