US-Iran talks on nuclear deal will start soon

in #international2 years ago

b337d7bf-c410-4815-a724-1242e063adba.pngIndirect talks between the US and Iran will begin soon to restore the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran's Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdulhayen said, "We are ready to resume talks in the coming days. It is important for Iran to fully reap the economic benefits of the 2015 agreement."

He said that for this he had a long but positive meeting with the foreign policy chief of the European Union. The nuclear deal appeared to be close to resumption in March, when the foreign ministers of the US and Iran were called to Vienna after 11 months of indirect talks to finalize the deal. But talks have stalled since Iran insisted on removing its elite security force, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, from its terrorist organization list.

Former US President Donald Trump announced his exit from the deal in 2018. Since then there has been a cloud of crisis over it. Under this agreement, in exchange for limiting Iran's nuclear enrichment program, some leeway was to be given to the economic sanctions imposed on it.